Our recent visits to our six partner schools for the end of the 2021-2022 school year has brought many observations. We have encountered the unsafe and unhealthy conditions that the children are exposed to. As part of our mission to provide opportunities for quality education, we would like to provide a safe and healthy learning environment.
Our campaign called "One class, One desk, One toilet" aims at progressively rehabilitating all sanitation facilities in our six partner schools to prevent the spread of infectious diseases which can contribute to absenteeism. We would also like to provide each school with additional desks to accommodate the growing number of children joining public schools to take advantage of the gratuity of elementary education. After rehabilitating the educational environment, the second phase of our campaign will involve a monitoring and evaluation program where we will work with the school directors, educators, the parent committee and the children to help maintain the infrastructures to an optimal level.
Our objective was to rehabilitate at least one school in 2022. With $3,400, we are able to rehabilitate all sanitary facilities for one school. With $10,000, we are able to rehabilitate sanitary facilities and classrooms by providing a minimum of 100 new desks to each school. With your help, we were able to provide 30 desks to one school.
We need more of your contributions to reach $7900! With this amount, you will help us provide a healthy and safe learning environment and rehabilitate 6 bathrooms in one school to help 393 girls stay in school. Please contribute to our fundraiser to fund this project by donating below.

Campaign fundraiser